Blog posts tagged with 'road trip'

5 Tips for Reacting to Large Roadkill on the Highway

Sadly, sometimes it is not a matter of why an animal attempted a dangerous crossing, but rather what to do when you discover a dead animal on the roadway—especially a large animal. We‘ve attempted to gather up a few observations and tips that you may find helpful. These generally assume that you are a passerby and have not actually been in a collision with the animal. Note: The term “roadkill” is not particularly sensitive, but it does accurately capture the idea. Many animals are killed by vehicles when they venture out of the woods and onto the roads. One website softly refers to them as “tired animals.” However, since this is not a well-known term and could easily be a reference to pandas and sloths, we will stick with roadkill.

How to Choose a Motorhome (Road Trip Series Part 2)

You’ve thought about it for months—or even years—and the decision is finally made. You’re going to buy a motorhome or RV! But now, as you do your research, you realize there are so many options. How can you choose the right motorhome for your needs? Join us as we go over five essential steps to help you choose the best motorhome for you.

Planning a Road Trip—Road Trip Series Part 1

The open road beckons you onward. You feel the thrill of the unknown, the joy of each new discovery and the awe of gorgeous scenery. There’s nothing quite like a road trip. Then there are the killjoys of an empty gas tank, arriving to see that spectacular sunset just one hour too late, or not finding a hotel room because the town is packed with a convention. Planning your road trip is a major key to success. Plan right and none of the above will happen to you. Here are our tips on how to plan a one-week road trip.

6 Tips for Road Trips During COVID

No doubt you have seen a disaster movie where the heroes make a mad dash across the country, staying just barely in front of some terrible weather phenomenon. In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic has been like a slow-developing thriller, but without the scramble of mass evacuations. Instead, families are holed up and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Every trip outside the home is like a nerve-racking roll of the dice. Long-distance travel is not something to be taken lightly, spurred by boredom or cabin fever. However, what if you must make a road trip?

Tips for Safe Driving in the U.S. Virgin Islands

The U.S. Virgin Islands are just over 1,000 miles from Florida, which means a relaxing tropical paradise is just a quick flight away. As the tourism brochures are quick to tout, these Caribbean islands are lined with dazzling white-sand beaches and breathtakingly beautiful blue waters.

How to Plan Your Visit to a U.S. National Park

Regardless of your concept of beautiful scenery, thrilling adventure, or perfect serenity, the vast selection of United States National Parks means that at least one park—or many!—will enthrall you. Before you head out, you need to know which parks to visit, when you should go and the cost involved. Read on to find out.

Road Trip Activities for Children

“I love resting in the back seat on a road trip. It gives me time to think.” Yes, that would be nice, but have you honestly ever heard this from any child? Backseat moods in the real world are usually more akin to the Grizwolds as they painfully made their way towards Wally World. Sadly, the enthusiasm of a vacationing parent does not always trickle down to their children, fidgeting and complaining along the highway. You may even recall being in the same position yourself on a long-distance road trip and wondering “Are we there yet?” So, how can you make the journey more enjoyable, memorable and peaceful for your young ones?

What Should You Know Before Driving In Canada?

Majestic mountain ranges, expansive lakes and breathtaking prairies all make Canada a popular destination for visitors from the United States. You can appreciate these peaceful sights, even more, when you take the time to drive through this vast country. However, what should you know before driving in Canada?