Blog posts tagged with 'tips'

How to Get Points Removed From Your Driving Record

The dreaded moment! You hear the sirens. Red and blue lights flash in rotation. In the rearview mirror, you see the police vehicle. You have unintentionally broken a traffic law, and now the officer will come over to your vehicle to explain your traffic violation. You know that receiving a ticket means that you’ll get points on your license. However, you may be wondering what that means and how you can get those points removed.

How to Share the Road With Emergency Vehicles

You’re calmly driving down the highway on your way to work, thinking about your plans for the weekend, and wondering why your dog didn’t want to eat breakfast today—basically a typical morning. And then you hear it. The sirens. After a quick glimpse at your speedometer (don’t worry, you’re within the speed limit), you realize the sirens aren’t for you. It’s an ambulance, and you can see in the rearview mirror that the flashing lights are coming up behind you. What should you do?

4 Ways to Make Your Trip to the DMV Less Excruciating

Just the thought of going to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office (different states have different names for this office) can make you cringe. How long will the lines be? How many hours will you be there—fidgeting on those uncomfortable chairs? Will you wait a long time, only to be told that you do not have the necessary documents? Here are four ways to make your trip to the DMV Less Excruciating.

Should you buy, lease, or use a car subscription?

You need to have a vehicle, but you’re hesitant about buying one and getting into debt. You might have heard that leasing can be a better deal. And some friends have told you how easy car subscriptions are. You just sign up and the car is delivered to your door! So you may be asking yourself which is better for you: Should you buy, lease, or use a car subscription?

What You Need to Know about Coronavirus or COVID-19

You can’t escape the news—a virus is spreading throughout the world, and it is spreading fast. Various internet sites are constantly refreshing the statistics. It seems that every media source is bombarding you as the situation develops. More cases. And yes, more people are dying! Does this have anything to do with you? Is it just media hype? After all, don’t they say that most of the cases are mild? Here is what you need to know about coronavirus or COVID-19.

How to Detail a Vehicle That You are Trying to Sell

You want to sell your vehicle, and you want to sell it fast . . . for a good price. When people see the vehicle for the first time you want their eyes to pop out, you want them to fall in love immediately and say, "I need to have this vehicle!" How can you do that? What work needs to be done on your vehicle—and what should you avoid doing?

Understanding the Change to "Real ID" compliant licenses

You’ve probably already heard about Real-ID compliant licenses, but you might have more questions than answers. Now is the time to get the answers to your questions! Real-ID compliant licenses, already in effect in many states throughout the United States, will be mandatory by October 1, 2020.

7 Ways to Lower Your Insurance Rates

We all dread the moment when we have to pay for our vehicle insurance. How can you keep the costs low? Read on to discover our seven best tips on how to save big on your insurance.

10 Ways to Cope with Summer Weather

The long days of summer are here! Gone are the days of freezing temperatures, dreaded black ice, and the blizzards of winter that can make driving hazardous. However, don’t underestimate the challenges of dealing with summer weather while on the road. The blistering summer sun can vehicles, drivers, and passengers – and even the family pet! Here are 10 smart ways to cope with summer weather. Expect the unexpected While you can’t change the weather, you can be prepared to deal with it.

8 Steps to Safely Change a Tire Fast

The dreaded moment. Thump. Rumble rumble rumble. Your tire blew out, and now you sit in the driver seat of your car clutching the steering wheel and asking yourself “What do I do now?” The good news is that you prepared in advance; your spare tire is in good shape, you have everything you need to change the tire, and you know exactly what you have to do.