7 Ways to Lower Your Insurance Rates

We all dread the moment when we have to pay for our vehicle insurance. How can you keep the costs low? Read on to discover our seven best tips on how to save big on your insurance.

Puerto Rico Dreaming—and Driving

A visit to Puerto Rico requires no visa and the island uses the US dollar. The roadway laws are basically the same as in the United States, albeit with Spanish signage. But what about driving in Puerto Rico? Here are several tips to help you navigate the “Island of Enchantment.”

8 Ways to Stay Safe When Using Rideshare Services

Ride-sharing companies have blossomed all around the world. About 14 million riders every day opt to use a ride-share appin the United States alone. Many people consider the service to be a convenient, safe and cheap alternative to hailing a taxi. Have you considered using one of these services? While the majority of ride-share app users have never had a negative experience, you should always take precautions to stay safe. Here are eight tips to enjoy your ride and avoid the dangers.

10 Tips for Parents of New Drivers

Parenting can take on new levels of stress as children reach the driving age. Kids think of the freedom that having a driver’s license can bring them. Parents, though, are more likely to worry about the risks. They may wonder about their teenager’s attention to safety and how their vehicle will get through this time scratch-free. After all, teenagers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than drivers age 20 or older. How can you make the transition as smooth and easy as possible?

What You Need to Know When Buying a Used Car

When you decide to start shopping for a used car, it’s only natural to think about how the vehicle looks. Does it match your personal style? Does it come in your favorite color? However, many vehicle owners have come to regret choosing quickly, only to get stuck with what is commonly referred to in the automotive world as a “lemon.” If you want to feel confident in your long-term happiness with a car, take time to consider all of the important factors before agreeing to a purchase.

Driving Safe During the 2019 Holiday Season

As the year comes to a close, long breaks from school and extra days off work tempt many people to hit the road to visit family and friends. In fact, it is estimated that just during the Thanksgiving weekend alone, over 48 million people in the United States will drive to a holiday destination. But, before you don your favorite winter sweater and load up on snacks for the roadway, here is a timely question to ask: Is driving during the holiday season any different than driving at other times of the year?

Six Tips for Preventative Maintenance

As the weather cools down and you’re looking forward to the first snow, you may wonder what care your vehicle needs in the winter months. No one wants to be in a disabled car on a snowy road. Just the thought of this winter dilemma is enough to make you shiver! Of course, you also want to avoid expensive repairs, extend the life of your vehicle and even save money at the gas pump. These are all good reasons to make sure your vehicle is in good shape. After all, it’s cheaper to perform basic maintenance than to pay for major repairs. But what maintenance should you do, and when?

How to Handle Being Pulled Over

That dreaded moment has arrived—you see the flashing lights and hear the blaring siren. A police vehicle is signaling that you need to pull over to the side of the road. Your heart races fast, and fear pumps through your body. The same thought goes through your mind over and over: “But I didn’t do anything wrong!” Don’t worry. You can keep calm if you know what to expect and how you should react if you are pulled over.

What To Do If You Are In a Crash

No one expects an automobile crash to happen. However, there is one thing that you can control: how you react in an emergency situation. After a shakeup like a crash, you may not be thinking clearly. This is a stressful situation for everyone involved. That’s why it’s important to understand beforehand what steps you need to take to comply with the law, protect yourself and your passengers, and start working on your insurance claim.

Four Tips for Driving on Wet Leaves

One of the pleasures of driving in the fall is cruising down tree-lined roads and admiring those breathtaking autumn colors. However, for drivers, there are hidden dangers in those multi-colored leaves.