Blog posts of '2021' 'July'

What 3 Traffic Tickets Are New Drivers Most Likely to Get?

Driver beware! Just being a new driver means you’re more at risk of getting certain tickets. That’s not a result of the police specifically targeting young drivers. It’s simply because new drivers don’t have the experience to “steer clear” of danger, and they’re more likely to drive while distracted. If you want to stay safe and keep your money in your wallet, read about the most common tickets and how to avoid them. What 3 traffic tickets are new drivers most likely to get?

How to Choose a Motorhome (Road Trip Series Part 2)

You’ve thought about it for months—or even years—and the decision is finally made. You’re going to buy a motorhome or RV! But now, as you do your research, you realize there are so many options. How can you choose the right motorhome for your needs? Join us as we go over five essential steps to help you choose the best motorhome for you.