Blog posts of '2022' 'July'

Earn More With NHSA's Affiliate Referral Program


Earn More With NHSA's Affiliate Referral Program

NHSA is excited to announce our new affiliate referral program that will pay you for a job you are already doing! Let us explain how it works!

Insurance Brokers:  We know that servicing your clients’ needs involves seeking to get them the best rate for their auto insurance. Referring your customers to NHSA for an online driver safety course to remove points from their license, or a driver education course for new drivers can help to show them you truly are seeking their best interests and are doing all you can to keep their insurance premiums as reasonable as possible!

Driving Instructors:  Many in-person driving schools want students to already have their learner’s permit and do not offer such classes themselves. Other schools may provide driver training but are not associated with insurance discount programs or traffic law programs to help them AFTER students have obtained their driver’s license. Having a system in place to refer all students to NHSA can help them with their future needs.

Home School Curriculum Companies:  More and more families are making the decision to educate their children from home.  Very few of these companies have online driver education courses available or even an affiliation with a driving school. Let NHSA partner with you to provide online driver education for teens already enrolled in your courses.

How You Get Paid:  When you register as an affiliate with NHSA we will pay you a percentage of your client’s course fee. They win! You win! Reach out to us at info@usnhsa.com to get set up and start earning today!

Headrest Positioning—Why it Matters

Headrest Positioning—Why it Matters


The NHSTA reports that whiplash is a common result from rear-end collisions. A few simple steps can help lower your risk of injury.

Position your seat appropriately.

Your seat should be positioned at an angle of less than 20 degrees. Sitting in this position will help your body to stay seated in the event of a rear-end collision.

Check the height of your head restraint

The top of your head restraint should not be lower than the top of your head. You can check this by using your hand to make sure that your head and the restraint are at the correct heights.

Make sure your head restraint is close enough.

The proper position for your restraint is about 2 inches from the back of your head. The closer your head restraint is to your head, the less distance your head will travel, thus causing less injury in the event of a rear-end collision.


At NHSA, our goal is to provide online driver education courses that equip all drivers with what they need to be safe drivers.  Whether you are a teen seeking a learner’s permit, or an adult driver seeking a basic driver safety course, check us out online to see what courses are available in your state!

How to be Proactive in Reducing Teen Driver Accidents

How to be Proactive in Reducing Teen Driver Accidents

driving lesson


Teens aged 16-19 have the highest risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. This age group is also several times more likely to be in a fatal crash than any other age group. Identifying and addressing key risk factors will help parents ensure their teens are fully prepared to be safe drivers.

Inexperience:  Defensive driving involves identifying potential dangers and making critical decision to navigate through them safely. Newer drivers are more likely to underestimate risks. As you drive with your teen, periodically vocalize your thoughts and explain your decisions so they can better understand how to scan for risks and take appropriate action when needed.

Not using seat belts:  Seat belts save lives. However, teens use safety belts less than any other age group. Setting a good example by buckling up in front of your children will help to instill good habits in them. Kind reminders go a long way as well!

Distracted driving:  Being distracted, even for a moment, while driving can have enormous repercussions. Make sure that your teen sets cellular devices to a safe mode while driving and limits the number of additional teen passengers. These habits help to reduce the risk of distraction significantly.

Impaired driving:  Any impairment while driving will slow reaction time in both identifying and reacting to a situation. Help your teen to appreciate how quickly a situation can develop while driving. Any alcohol or substance in their system can impair them considerably. Have an honest discussion of what to do if they or their friends are not in a safe condition to drive.


This is not an exhaustive list of all risks teen drivers will face. However, like all risks we may face, taking time to discuss them and to prepare a plan of action will help to prevent getting caught off guard. At NHSA, our goal is to prepare individuals to be safe and successful drivers. We offer a free practice test for a driving permit in all 50 states. We also offer online driver education courses for those seeking their driver’s license as well as an array of defensive driving and basic driver safety courses. Visit us to see what driver courses are available in your state!