Blog posts tagged with 'distracted driving'

How to Reduce Distractions When Driving

Can you stay focused while driving and still perform another task at the same time? You might be tempted to take advantage of a calm moment behind the wheel. For instance, on a straight stretch of road, you may want to multitask by sending a text message or applying lipstick.

It's April—Are You an Aware Driver?

We hear so much about distracted driving, but what does it really mean? April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a whole month dedicated to helping people understand the dangers of distracted driving and how they can protect themselves. Have you ever engaged in distracted driving, perhaps without realizing it? Take this fast quiz to see if you’ve been a victim of distracted driving temptations.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted driving—your first thought may be of cell phone use, but many other circumstances can be just as distracting. For instance, a phone call may suddenly ping in on your dashboard touchscreen, you may be scanning to find your favorite song in an endless playlist, or you could even just be trying to figure out how to move the automatic seat back just one more inch.

Driving and Coffee - Do They Mix?

Driving and Coffee - Do They Mix? There’s a day to celebrate almost everything, and since 2015 there’s been a day to celebrate coffee. On October 1, International Coffee Day, events take place in 54 countries around the world, from Africa to Canada and Indonesia to Colombia. Why should we focus on coffee for a whole day? Not only to share our love of the dark brew but also to bring attention to the role of men and women who work hard to cultivate those beans we so appreciate. Many drivers are quite eager to celebrate caffeine. Caffeine can be the boost that keeps a person alert behind the wheel.

8 Tips to Stay Focused while Driving

#1 Train your brain. In this era of multitasking, we expect our brains to be able to simultaneously handle eating, talking on the phone, and getting work done. It is easy to get into the habit of not focusing completely on any one activity. While that’s probably not going to be dangerous when you’re sitting at your desk,