Blog posts of '2022' 'October'
Seat Belts Save Lives! But do you use them?
According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) not wearing a seat belt can cost you your life. For example, data collected in 2018 revealed that over half of those killed in car crashes between the ages of 13 and 19 were not wearing a seat belt. This shows that younger drivers have a higher rate of risky driving habits than other age groups do.
The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, (NHTSA) reported that, in 2021, over 90% of drivers wore a seat belt. But, until this reaches 100%, many are still putting themselves at risk. The same report stated that wearing your seat belt increases the survivability of a passenger car accident by 45%, and a light truck accident by 60%. This is solid proof that wearing your seat belt is an important step to displaying safe driving habits.
Parents who wear their seat belts when driving with their children set an example their children will take note of. NHSA wants to help, too! Every one of our online driver education courses emphasizes the importance of wearing your seat belt. Whether it is a course to obtain a learner’s permit, remove points from your driver’s license, or lower your auto insurance premiums, there are vital reminders about the use of seat belts. Remaining diligent with this vital practice saves lives!
At NHSA, our goal is to provide online driver education courses that equip all drivers with what they need to be safe drivers. Whether you are a teen seeking a learner’s permit, or an adult driver seeking a basic driver safety course, check us out online to see what courses are available in your state!
Share Reminders for National Teen Driver Safety Week
National Teen Driver Safety Week is a great reminder for parents to have positive conversations to help reinforce safe driving practices. Inexperience behind the wheel increases the risks for teen drivers, so simple yet important reminders can go a long way.
Avoid distracted driving
According to information gathered by the NHSTA, over 3,000 people were killed in 2020 as a direct result of distracted driving. Explore safe driving apps that can be installed on your device that can monitor driving habits and alert you if risky behavior is detected. These applications along with phone settings can prevent device usage while driving to help reduce unnecessary risks.
Buckle up!
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teens 15 – 18. Fastening your seat belt before you drive is a fundamental step to protecting yourself and any passengers in your vehicle.
Don’t speed!
There were over 11,000 deaths directly related to speeding in 2020. It can be tempting to drive faster when running late. Take note of your driving patterns. If you notice it is common for you to be running late, carve out more time for travel. Better time management significantly reduces the pressure to speed. Budget an extra five and arrive alive!
At NHSA, we are committed to providing the highest quality online driver education courses. From practice tests for driving permits to a variety of safe driving and insurance discount courses, check us out to see what is available in your state!