Blog posts tagged with '#sadd #jacygood # stevejohnson #hangupanddrive'
National Seat Belt Day Acknowledgements
A lot is going on around you when you drive. On National Seat Belt Day, we would like to acknowledge some of the many organizations and safety advocates that work tirelessly to educate and protect drivers and passengers by reinforcing safe driving practices.
The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides a wealth of information, guidelines and other safety resources. We are all safer on the road thanks to their efforts.
NHSA is proud to be partnered with Students Against Destructive Decisions, (SADD). For over 40 years SADD has been a champion of empowering and mobilizing students and adult allies to engage in positive change through leadership and smart decision-making. SADD develops and shares prevention programming to engage students in the pursuit of healthy decision-making.
Safety Advocates Jacy Good and her husband Steve Johnson of Hang Up And Drive travel extensively to speak at schools, businesses and communities as advocates for distraction free roads. See their story here and marvel as we did at how they have turned personal tragedy into community triumph. We applaud their efforts to make roadways safer.
At NHSA, our goal is to prepare individuals to be safe and successful drivers. We offer a free practice test for a driving permit in all 50 states. We also offer online driver education courses for those seeking their driver’s license as well as an array of defensive driving and basic driver safety courses. Visit us to see what driver courses are available in your state!