June is Tire Safety Month

A car with good tires

When was the last time you checked your tires? According to some studies, less than 1 in 5 Americans check their tires regularly. In overlooking this routine matter, many people don’t realize that they’re actually losing money—and putting themselves at risk.

That’s why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) declares every June as Tire Safety Month. June is a fantastic month to be more aware of your tires, just in time for the warmer summer months when people head out on more road trips.

The NHTSA encourages people to take one simple step: Check your tires for the proper inflation (pressure) and any signs of wear. Why?

Why should you check your tires?

1. Tires last longer when they’re correctly inflated. You can get almost 5,000 more miles out of your tires just by adjusting the pressure!

2. You save money. How? Your car will use less fuel—you can save up to 11 cents per gallon! That savings is not only good for you and your wallet, it’s also good for the planet. When you use less fuel, fewer pollutants fill the environment and the air we breathe.

3. You’ll be safer. When you get into your car, what are you sitting on? Essentially, your whole vehicle is sitting on the tires. They are your contact with the road. Almost 10 percent of all crashes could be avoided just by checking tires regularly. According to the NHTSA, you could avoid blowouts, bald tires and tread separations.


When should you check your tires?

Give your tires the once-over every month. Do it before starting your engine, when your tires have rested for at least three hours. It’s necessary to check your tires often because they can lose pressure every month—about one psi (pound per square inch). 


What should you check your tires for? 

1. Proper inflation. Take a look at the tires to make sure they’re properly inflated. Learn to use a tire pressure gauge—it's easy! 

2. Wear and tear. All tires will wear in different areas at different rates. Between the treads you'll see treadwear indicators. When the tires have worn down so that they’re even with the indicator, you know you need to make a trip to the shop to buy a new set of tires.

3. Consider rotating your tires. If your tires are wearing down unevenly, you may want to rotate them. That way the wear and tear will happen evenly, and you won’t have to replace the tires as quickly.

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